Friday, February 25, 2011

Buddy and B.B.

I Can't Quit You Baby.....It's the name of the blog, but why? When I hear this song, any version, any artist, it just rings in my ears like no other song can. I'm not saying it's my favorite, or that it is the best blues written. But it's so simple and the lyrics are simply perfect. It says a million lifetimes worth of grief and love in 16 words. "I can't quite you baby, so I think I gotta put you down for a while." This version is perhaps my favorite version of the tune.

Featuring two of the greatest guitarists to ever grace this earth, Buddy Guy and B.B. King, the song is about as electrifying as you can get. I don't exactly know how to explain it, but something about those words, those faces, and those guitar licks just make me close my eyes and sway my head for 3 minutes straight. I don't think there are a lot of things in this world that can distract us for that long without interruption; take this opportunity to let that happen, watch, listen, and groove.

Buddy Guy is one of my favorite artists, and I have a number of his albums that I will share later, but for now, just check him and B.B. out, rockin' that place down.

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