Saturday, April 2, 2011

Not quite blues today

So today my post is not about blues. I know, I know, I leave you hanging for several days then I come back with some folk-glam-femme shit, but listen, this is one of my new favorite albums. A few years ago I found a couple awesome tracks by a dude named Ben Sollee. He plays the cello and sings, and I just thought that combo was awesome. Well he kind of fell to the wayside as other things became more important...until recently. I have recently acquired an album by Ben and a young guitarist named Daniel Martin Moore.

They are a great duo, with Sollee on the cello and Moore on the guitar, and I really dig their sound. I don't think this is for everyone, but this is not everyone's blog, it's mine. So give it a listen, then decide whether you like it or not. I find it particularly nice while reading a book or just chilling. I have the album to post, but I think this is a nice video also, please forgive the long introduction, they really hate Mountaintop removal. This is a song called "Flyrock Blues," and it's actually only Moore, but it's the only song with blues in the title so I wanted to share it.

Sollee also has some great solo stuff, which is actually what I was turned onto first. Here is "How to See the Sunrise" Performed by Sollee alone:

And I actually do have an album here for you to download, but these guys are just starting out. And please, if you like them, buy their next CD. They're just trying to make a living like anyone else.

You could probably get any of their collaborative or solo stuff here: Subpop records

But either way, I'm not one to keep good tunes out of the hands of good people, so here it is:  Dear Companion (2010)

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