Friday, March 4, 2011

Big Hair and an even bigger voice

Today I want to feature something a little off the beaten path from traditional blues. This is a Gospel tune called "I'm His Child" sung by Zella Jackson Price. I love this song, and especially this video. I don't know if it's that hair, that voice, or just the pure jubilation everyone receives from her song.

I really dig Gospel music. Those of you who know me know I'm not exactly a God-fearing man, but it is just so moving. This will definitely not be the last Gospel tune featured, I'll also feature jazz, and other forms of music (generally Black music) that is less known to the general public. This clip is from the documentary called "Say Amen Somebody," which is primarily a film about the transition Gospel went through from sacred to popular music. It is actually quite enjoyable, and if you're interested in music at all I recommend you check it out. It features a huge number of Gospel greats all in a similar setting, and let's be honest: this music is best in its true spiritual form.

So, for you listening and viewing pleasure, here is Zella Jackson Price singing "I'm His Child"

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